

This morning, we moved to a new hotel. It is called the Good Life Weekly Mansion. It's about ten times better than the other hotel, except that we have one bed and one mat for the floor, and it is a ways from our classes. Fortunately, I have a bike so if it's a nice day and I don't feel like taking the subway I can ride. This morning, after packing all my stuff into my bag, which is more than I had when I left, I struck out on my own. I hopped on my bike and rode from our first hotel to this one. You might ask, doesn't your pack weigh like 60 lbs.? You might also ask, isn't your bike a fixed gear that's too small for you and has shotty breaks? And finally, wasn't it hard to figure out where you were going? The answer to all these questions is yes. It was a very heavy pack. Literally, it weighs about 60 lbs, maybe more. When I weighed the pack at the airport, it was about 45 lbs. This time though, I had all my books and magazines and computer and camera. I had everything strapped to my back. Once I got to where the hotel should be, all I found was a building that had some other random name on it. I asked around and no one had any idea where it was. Well, one place told me exactly where it was, but they said that it was north of the station and gave me a map. When I finally found the rest of the group coming from the station, we ended up at the building right next door to the one that pointed me the opposite direction. In total, I ended up riding about 3.5 miles with my pack on. After we all got settled, we went to Uji, whichis about half an hour ride on the train from Kyoto. We saw a couple small temples, and the Phoenix hall at ByodoIn. The buildings and complex were really pretty, but the real gem was the museum built into the hill behind the phoenix hall in 2001. Unfortunately, they were like hawks on everyone so I couldn't get any pictures of the museum interior, but there are a few pictures online. After that we rode the subway back to Kyoto, where I fell asleep with my head slung over the armrest rail, grabbed some food, and did some homework.

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